In the movie, a big change has been made to the appearance of the Scarlet Witch

In the movie, a big change has been made to the appearance of the Scarlet Witch. In the movie, the clothes of the Scarlet Witch are a combination of red and black, and the red is a dark red, which looks more calm. CCosplay    The costume returns of the Scarlet Witch in the movie will be much more conservative and will be more in line with our current aesthetics.However, in the TV series, the shape of the Polaris has been changed a lot.Deadpool Costume    The shape inside looks more like an ordinary person's shape, which is in line with the shape of our modern people, but it is inferior to the shape in the comics. a lot of. In the comics, Polaris is the daughter of Magneto. Her whole body is green. This green is the color of the aurora.

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